Duomed NL signs the Green Deal 3.0 ‘Samen werken aan duurzame zorg’

By signing the Green Deal 3.0, Duomed The Netherlands is committed to taking concrete actions to reduce our CO2 emissions (Theme 3) and promote circular and economical use of materials (Theme 4), which is in line with our sustainability strategy and Duomed Belgium's contribution to the Flemish Green Deal Duurzame Zorg.

Green Deal The Netherlands

Green Deal Duurzame Zorg is an agreement between the central government and other parties to carry out activities to realize sustainable care. The Green Deal 3.0 ‘Samen werken aan duurzame zorg’ is facilitated by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) and supported by the healthcare sector.

Based on the shared sense of urgency and intrinsic motivation that sustainability of the healthcare sector must and is possible, parties with this Green Deal are realizing an irreversible transformation to healthcare with minimal impact on the climate, environment and living environment in 2050.

About de Green Deal Duurzame Zorg

The third Sustainable Care Green Deal takes the step from stimulation to concrete work on clear goals and results for sustainable care. Five results-oriented objectives have been formulated in the context of this Green Deal:

  1. Health promotion of patients, clients and employees;
  2. Increase awareness and knowledge about the impact of healthcare on the climate and vice versa;
  3. Reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030 and be climate neutral by 2050;
  4. Reduce primary raw material use by 50% in 2030 and maximum circular care in 2050;
  5. Reducing the environmental impact of medication (use).


The Green Deal 3.0 is structured around five themes:

Theme 1: Health promotion

Theme 2: Knowledge & Awareness

Theme 3: Co2 reduction

Theme 4: Circulair

Them 5: Medicines


Signing this Green Deal aligns nicely with our sustainable objectives as formulated in our Sustainability Strategy. Read more about our commitment to ESG in the article below: